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Applications > Windows
911.58 MB

Oct 10, 2004

Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005

CD1:44x15mb CD2:21x15MB - 10/10/04

Not really sure whats new but when I installed it, it
was a LOT faster than regular WinXP. Has a lot of extra things
like Windows Plus does. Try it out if you are interested. This
comes with SP2 already in it and NO it is not homemade. Install
it and see for youself.

Nukers: Microsoft.Windows.XP.Media.Center.Edition.Proper-FTSiSo
is MCE 2004, not 2005.

Use one of the following serials during install:

Once Windows is installed, run the crack.exe inside of the /CRACK
dir on CD1 to get rid of the 60 day activation.

Enjoy :)
PQRS-note: Seeded at 10mbits .se No I DONT KNOW what is fancy about this so dont ask, download and try or just skip it. And please stay and seed just a while so I dont have to deal with that? Enjoy!


Is it a english ver?
Kommer det någon svensk version på denna inom snar framtid??
Good, im exited to se whats new.
English or swedish version?
btw, dont destroy the releasename! :)
det står ju ingen cd key där
3 CD-keys finns i infon. Man postar _INTE_ CD-keys på websidor då det är illegalt...
håller med.. jag får inte cracket att fungera heller...
en gågn fick jag en ruta där det stod att windowa är aktiverad nu.. starrtade om datorn och så frågar den efter aktivierings kos osv igen.. . tror inte att cracket fungerar... please säg till nån om ni har fått den att fungera
Denna version av Windows är mycket stabilare och snabbare, har själv installerat. Den innehåller full verison av SP2 så till skillnad från windows update får man inte bara en "del" av sp2.

Cracket som ni är oroliga över skall köras i safe mode!
Funkar fint för mej...Men är inte detta 2002:an ver......
Nån som kan hjälpa mig? Försökte köra cracket i safe mode men får ett felmeddelande att crack.exe inte är en "Win32 application" ??
Jag är nu smått tokig. Är det någon som haft problem att ens få igång denna skiva. Har både prova att emulera med virtual demon och att bränna. Då det inte fungerade testade jag att ta hem releasen igen. Samma sak då. Kan öppna skivan och gå in på alla menyer utom install. Och den bootar inte heller vid upstart. (Bränt med Nero 6...) Är det någon av er som haft problem, men sedan lyckats lösa dessa? Tack på förhand för hjälpen!
Håller med Sir Kungen, detta är 2002-versionen för böven.
Karlo har samma prob som du..
Cracket fungerar inte om man uppgraderat från en annan windowsversion, men det finns ett nytt crack.

Hvorfor vill den ikke autobotet. kanskje jeg har brent feil. hvordan brennes den?
Snälla kan inte någon skriva en guid hur man installerar denna...den vill ej autobota vid uppstart och ej installeras direct från SETUP...hur ska jag göra :(
Is this a beta or final?
2002 or 2005?

måste man bränna på CD för att installera
En liten fråga frå en som undrar lite bara... Vad ligger i grunden för Media Center, är det XP Pro eller Home? Jag kör XP pro själv, finns det inte en "add on" för att uppgradera till Media Center?
Hur ska man installera detta då man inte kan boota från cdn? att välja uppgradera är inget alternativ då det bara blir dåligt
är detta verkligen MCE2005 ??
Står ju ingenting om det i någon av alla readme filer på cd1 .. bara XP ink SP2. Samt CD2 verkar vara jävligt skum. SNälla kan ngn reda ut vad som gäller med denna release TACK!!
hey guy's
you extract the rar files, burn them on cd, and then install from the cd right???

Let's get some answers to this okey ;)
Perfect, complete, and working MCE2005, it seems to me. Installs ok, crack works, and all MCE functionality seems to be there.
Detta är windows XP MCE version 2002 med SP2.
Hmms, om detta är 2002 så har jag MCE 2005, kanske ska rippa dom nån dag och lägga upp här (har redan rippat ner dom, men just "lägga upp här" som är det jobbiga då jag inte har direkt åtkomst)
dont know if its my system. but this one will not install. even tried mounting the image from winxp and installing it from there. nothing happens when i press install. and if i try coping the files to a ntfs partition i get read error from the image file... and of course i tryed booting it from a cdr.. i wont get the any futher then a black screnn with a blinking curseor
This is the FINAL release people! STOP asking and read the god damn .NFO that is provided! Oh... and yes SP2 is already installed into this version 2005 version of MCE. :)

Thanks for the release! :)


Sorry for all the post but I can't edit my post... :(
I have the same problem gargas has. Brick release won't install. Can anyone help out?

Buirned images to CD using Nero 6

Tried installing to blank hard disk. It appears neither disk is a boot disk. Cursor just sits and blinks.

Tried installing over an exisating WINXP SP2 installation. CLick the "install windows XP" link. Computer scans the CD for a few minutes and then just stops. No error messages.

Finally I tried installing over an existing Media Center 2004 installation (thinking the brick release might just be an upgrade) Nothing happens just as when I tried to install over windows XP SP2.

The .NFO just says to install it. It does not offer any hints on how to install it.

Can someone please help?


is this working or not. I'm not interested to have a copy which doesnt' work
I don't understand why some people are having problems? I installed this release just fine via DOS.

I also used Nero 6 to burn the image files. Lastest version.
well i download it and i have 2 copys of mce 2005 but one of them is the Brick verison and the other one is the xpmce2005 but that one wont go pass the blue screen it say plz enter cd and i did and when i try the Brick one it install but i get a error in that cd so i redownload it and it hangs up and dont install so i am trying the other torrent one and see if i can install it.
this version dont work because it hangs up
get error when I burn it with either nero and ahampoo, through daemon. Anyone know why??
thank you in advance.
Serialnummeret installerer kun XP, ikke MCE. Er det noen som har et serial som gjør at installasjonen bruker cd2?
Any one has the Activate Windows crack because i got it but when i go to it it say windows activate but when i restart it say 60 days left. if someone can help me with this i will put a torrent up of windows media center edition 2005 but u need 2004 boot up in order to work.
I have the same problem as gargas too. It just won't work.
it wont work. and it's probably unstable, if you get it to function.
You have to run the crack in SAFE MODE! Then it work just fine, I use this version of windows and it's rockin'.
Yeaah!! This really rocks,at last Microsoft has made something multimedia friendly.
This version works. There is an error in the way the image is made. You will have to burn a new Bootable CD with Nero or whatever program you use. If you follow the recipe found on from step 4 it works perfectly.
Enjoy :cool:
I still don't know how this works. Even with the explanation above it doesn't make sense. When I mount the image that I extract it won't let me copy any of the files, it causes a read error and then when I try to install (using image OR a burned cd) it hangs. I don't know wtf is up, but if someone could explain detailing how they were successful, that'd be helpful for everyone! :)




I have a problem. This installation (for me) only installs windows xp via Disc 1 and does not prompt for disc 2 at any stage and thus does not install the features of MCE. Anyone else had this problem and know how to fix it?
Jag trodde att jag laddade ner "MICROSOFT WINDOWS MEDIA CENTER EDITION 2005"! Jag laddade tydligen ner: Windows XP Professional, SP2 ! Rätta till rubriken !
By jharvie at 2005-04-12 11:40:35 GMT
Do you have to format the computer or just upgrade because I have windows xp pro sp1 and I upgraded to windows xp media center 2005 using the brick version and it just upgraded my computer to windows xp pro sp2.

swedish version:

Måste du att formatera datoren, eller den rättvisa förbättringen, därför att jag har fönsterxp pro sp1 och jag förbättrade till fönster, xp sommassmedia centrerar 2005 genom att använda tegelstenversionen, och den förbättrade precis den min datoren till fönsterxp pro sp2.

How do I install CD2 plzzz???? It doesn't ask for it
Installing is simple: during the installation (when using CD1) it will prompt for Windows XP SP2 CD or something like that... that's when you put CD2 in and let it install, until it asks for XP MCE CD1 again, so you put CD1 in and let the installation finish with it. Hope it helps.
Do Not Bother, all it did was reinstall windows xp sp2 and now i have to re-activate it, thanks for nothing shit brick
I have installed the windows sp2.. and how can i install disc 2? can someone tell me (noob) how i install it?
Hi, how can i make the disk usabel, i only have all the files from the download - from a newbee .. thanks
varför får jag unknown hard error varenda gång ja installerar mce, men inte vanliga xp, nån som har liknande problem??
You have to use a Media Center Edition key for it to ask for "CD2"... otherwise it will just install Windows XP professional like normal.
Hur installera man detta? Är detta inte bara vanliga Windows Xp eller behöver man installera om Windows Xp för att få Windows media center?
Friggin' garbage. Didn't boot, can't browse the CD. Hell, can't even browse the image. Thanks for the waste of time.
Noobs, has to be installed FRESH
u cannot upgrade an existing installation with this.
and the brick crack works perfectly.

Jag håller på att göra en reparation av windows med hjälp av denna utgåvan, har dock tappat bort "cd key"arna, behöver dessa för att slutföra reparationen. ingen som kan ge mig enbart dessa?
Thanks.. Please keep seeding.. I realy Need this one.. :)
I have downloaded the files and extracted using winrar.
I used the Alcohol 120 to Burn CD's.

But when i install the XPMCE it shows lot of files missing.
Can anyone help me out?

The CD 1 is not burning on Nero 7.

Also it hangs up when i try to browse it using daemon tools.

Is there any other way to burn it??
Can I install Windows XPMCE 2005 using the Windows XP pro SP2 CD as the FIRTS CD and entering the MCE CD KEY and then using the XPMCE CD2..?????

Please Help
Dude. Can I convert this to a one-DVD install? Also, can someone plesae verify that this is 2005? I'm looking for connectivity to my 360. In any case, I just spent 2 days downloading something and it ended up being 2002 install... fucking pissed. Anyways, someone please verify this is 2005 so I dont waste my time.
Hint it's Windows XP/2002 with Media Center 2005. It's just telling you it's XP 2002.
What key do I have to use for it to ask for CD 2?
Someone plese help me, I woild really appericate it
Use this key to install MCE 2005.
What do I do when I ask for the Service Pack 2 CD?
I put in the second CD, but it wont accept, still ask for the SP2 CD. Can Someone please give me some directions. Thanks I would really appericate it

Good copy.

Just to clarify this is an English version of Microsft Windows XP Media Centre edition 2005
The torrent contains CD1 & CD2

Once the torrent is downloaded unpack the 1st file in each folder on your Harddrive, then using Nero burn the Image to CD (Its best to use CD-R rather than CD-RW's)

Next switch on the subject PC, navigate to you BIOS Screen and select the option to boot from the CD drive first insert the CD1 and away you go.

the discs will install Windows XP Professional onto your PC then using your CD Key the setup will prompt for CD2.
ok i downloaded torrent with azureus and i unRAR'ed the first mce2005a in the CD 1 foler and sent it to C:/

Then it showed a .cue and a .bin file. i wrote the .cue file to a CD as a DVD Data Project with Nero 7 Ultra.

When it shows the progress bar for burning, it stops at 24%.

I ran it for 15 hours and it didnt even go up 1%.

Did i do something wrong? post or send an email to please.

nm i got it working :)
does this work as a reboot disc?
seed plz
Use winrar to extract first file on cd1. open first file from extracted folder with poweriso and burn. repeat with cd2 folder.

format drive. install. input key (easy to find in this thread) insert disk 2 when prompted. finish.

restart in safe mode and run crack , its on cd1. reboot.

update .

oops genuine advantage. download latest genuine advantage crack.


works .
yeah use a windows xp mce key... or all you get is win xp... and thats for the person who wasnt sure about how to do it correctly and insisted in being a real shit brick lol do research first then make accusations... how hard is it really?

Thanks for the upload man.